samedi 17 septembre 2022

Visite du Tate modern en septembre 2022

Sélection subjective de certaines œuvres remarquées lors de mon parcours dans ce musée fonctionnel aux beaux espaces de présentation :

Yves Klein 1928-1962
Born and worked France
IKB 79 1959
Paint on canvas on plywood

Henri Matisse 1869-1954 Born and worked France
The Snail 1953
Gouache on paper, cut and pasted on paper mounted on canvas

Fiona Rae born 1963 Born Hong Kong, works UK
Untitled (grey and brown) 1991 
Oil paint on canvas

Byron Kim born 1961 Born and works US
Synecdoche: Aaron Fowler, Harry Cooper, Julie Mehretu, Kerry Rose, Kim Haller, Lawrence Chua, Lehua Fisher, Leora Wilson, Mike Russell, Molly Donovan, Natasha Pereira, Nate Peek, Paul Pfeiffer, Carolyn Groce, Phyllis Rosenzweig, Rayyane Tabet, Sarah Humphreville, Sarah Workneh, Shama Rahman, Soraya Gomez Crawford, Sunniva Rockhill, Tilly Devlin, Tim McGinty, Tracey Newsome, Yoonjung Choi 1991 - ongoing Oil paint and wax on panel

Leon Golub 1922-2004 Born and worked US

General Ernesto Geisel (1976) 1977 General Ernesto Geisel (1961) 1977 General Ernesto Geisel (1976) 1977 General Ernesto Geisel (1976) 1977 General Ernesto Geisel (1976) 1977 Acrylic paint on 5 linen canvases

Leon Golub 1922-2004 Born and worked US
This Could Be You 2001
We Can Disappear You 2001
 Acrylic paint and ink on linen

Laura Aguilar 1959-2018
Born and works US
#24 1991
2 photographs, gelatin silver prints on paper

Nicole Eisenman 1965 Born France, works USA
The Darkward Trail 2018
 Oil paint on canvas

Joseph Beuys 1921-1986 Born and worked Germany
Blitzschlag mit Lichtschein auf Hirsch
Lightning with Stag in its Glare

André Fougeron 1913-1998
 Born and worked France
Martyred Spain 1937 Espagne martyre Oil paint on canvas

André Fougeron 1913-1998
 Born and worked France
Massacre à Sakiet III 1958
 Oil paint on canvas

Fernand Léger 1881-1955 Born France, worked France, USA
Leaves and Shell 1927
 Oil paint on canvas

Fernand Léger 1881-1955
 Born and worked France
Two Women Holding Flowers 1954 Oil paint on canvas

Jean Hélion 1904-1987 Born France, worked France, USA
Composition  abstraite 1934
 Oil paint on canvas

Piet Mondrian 1872-1944 Born Netherlands, worked Netherlands, France, UK and USA
Composition C (No.III) with Red, Yellow and Blue 1935
 Oil paint on canvas

Une exposition temporaire 

Emily Kame Kngwarreye 1910-1996 Born and worked Alhalkere country, Australia. Anmatyerre people
Untitled (Alhalkere) 1989
 Acrylic paint on canvas

D Harding 1982
Born and works Australia. Bidjara, Ghungalu and Garingbal people
The Leap/Watershed 2017
 Pigment and acrylic paint on canvas

John Mawurndjul 1952
Born Kubukkan, works Maningrida and Milmilngkan country, Australia. Kuninjku people.
Buluwana, Female Ancestor 1989 Pigments on stringybark

Judy Watson 1959 Born and works Australia. Waanyi people
massacre inlet 1994
Pigment on canvas

Judy Watson 1959
Born and works Australia. Waanyi people With the assistance of D Harding and Cheryl Leavy to paint the covid graph lines
memory scar, grevillea, mangrove pod (& net) 2020 Indigo, acrylic, graphite and linen thread on canvas

Yhonnie Scarce 1973
Born and works Australia. Kokatha, Nukunu and Mirring people
Remember Royalty (Granny Melba) 2018
Archival photographs, water-based ink screen-printed on vintage French linen, 10 black lustre hand-blown glass bush yams

Algernon Talmage 1871-1939 Born and worked Britain
The Founding of Australia 1788 1937 Oil paint on canvas

Gordon Bennett 1955-2014 Born and worked Australia
Possession Island (Abstraction) 1991 Oil paint and acrylic paint on canvas

Helen Johnson 1979 Born and works Australia
Bad Debt 2016 Acrylic paint on canvas

Helen Johnson 1979 Born and works Australia
Seat of Power 2016 
Acrylic paint on canvas

Vue de la cafétéria 

Albert Gleizes 1881-1953 Born France, worked France and USA
Painting 1921
Tableau Gouache on wood

Jean Hélion 1904-1987 Born France, worked France, USA
Ile de France 1935 Oil paint on canvas

Fernand Léger 1881-1955 Born France, worked France and US
The Acrobat and his Partner 1948 L'Acrobate et sa partenaire Oil paint on canvas

Juan Gris 1887-1927 Born Spain, worked Spain, France
Bottle of Rum and Newspaper 1913-4 La Bouteille de rhum et le journal Oil paint on canvas

Fernand Léger 1881-1955 Born France, worked France and US
Still Life with a Beer Mug 1921-2 Nature morte à la chope Oil paint on canvas

Diego Rivera 1886-1957 Born Mexico, worked Mexico, France and USA
Still Life 1916 Oil paint on wood

Max Beckmann 1884-1950 Born Germany, worked Germany, Netherlands, USA
Carnival 1920
Oil paint on canvas

Juan Gris 1887-1927 Born Spain, worked France
Pierrot with Book 1924 Le Pierrot au livre Oil paint on canvas

Cildo Meireles 1948 Born and works Brazil
Babel 2001 Radios, metal

Ming Wong Born Singapore, works German
Life of Imitation 2009
4 paintings, acrylic paint on canvas

Roy Lichtenstein 1923-1997 Born and worked USA
Wall Explosion II 1965 Enamel on steel
Roy Lichtenstein 1923-1997 Born and worked USA
Whaam! 1963
Acrylic paint and oil paint on canvas

André Fougeron 1913-1998
Born and worked France
Atlantic Civilisation 1953 Civilisation atlantique Oil paint on canvas

Christina Quarles born 1985 Born and works US
Casually Cruel 2018 Acrylic paint on canvas

Marlene Dumas born 1953 Born South Africa, lives and works the Netherlands
Stern 2004 Oil paint on canvas

Marcel Duchamp 1887-1968 Born France, worked France, USA
Fountain 1917, replica 1964 Glazed earthenware

Jimmie Durham 1940-2021 Born USA, worked Germany, Italy
Alpine Ibex 2017
Ibex skull, wooden cot, wooden chair parts, paint, wood, steel, plastic, glass and other materials

Lee Bul born 1964 Lives and works South Korea
Untitled (Cravings White)
1988, reconstructed 2011
Fabric, acrylic paint, wood, stainless steel, carabiner and stainless steel chain

Nash Glynn born 1992 Born and works US
Self Portrait with One Foot Forward and One Hand Reaching Out 2020 Acrylic paint on canvas

Laura Aguilar 1959-2018
Born and works US
Clothed/Unclothed #24 1991 2 photographs, gelatin silver prints on paper

Laura Aguilar 1959-2018 Born and works US
Clothed/Unclothed #28 1994 2 photographs, gelatin silver print on paper

Onoda Minoru 1937-2008 Born China, worked Japan
WORK62-W 1962
Oil, gofun and glue on plywood

Ana Lupas 1940 Born and works Romania
The Solemn Process 1964-2008 (1964-74/76; 1980-5; 1985-2008)
Wheat, straw, hemp, cotton, metal, clay, insulants, wood and vinyl

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